Spencer Elden Sues Nirvana

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CNN - Spencer Elden, who appeared as the naked baby on the cover of Nirvana's 1991 album "Nevermind," has since claimed the record's iconic artwork is child pornography and is now suing the band over alleged "child sexual exploitation." Elden is seeking $150,000 in damages from each of the defendants, plus legal costs, and alleges the defendants "knowingly produced, possessed, and advertised commercial child pornography." The lawsuit goes onto alleging that Elden was sexualized because the dollar bill used in the image made the baby resemble "a sex worker."
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- Baby on cover of iconic Nirvana album cover sues band link
- Nevermind de Nirvana: joven que apareció de bebé en la portada del álbum demanda a la banda link
- Spencer Elden, man on Nirvana album cover as baby, sues band, alleging child pornography | ABC7 link
- Spencer Elden PROCESSA NIRVANA por capa de Nevermind link
- REACTION: Nirvana Being Sued by Spencer Elden link
- Spencer Elden Explains How Being The Nirvana Baby Has Affected His Life link