Celebrating Hanukkah 2021

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FOX - For those less familiar, Jews around the world celebrate Hanukkah by lighting a candle in the menorah each night for eight days. The tradition symbolizes the eight days a one-day supply of oil lasted the Maccabees following the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. The holiday, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a reminder that even in the face of anti-Semitism seemingly at an all-time high in the United States, faith and hope cannot be extinguished.
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- Hanukkah Prophetic Word for 2021 link
- Lighting the first Hanukkah 2021 candle in Tel Aviv, Israel link
- Hanukkah 2021 5782 First night - Lighting Chanukah Candle : with Madeleine Kerzner Nation 2 Nation link
- הדלקת נר ראשון של חנוכה בכותל המערבי | First night of Chanukah Candle Lighting at the Kotel - 2021 link
- Prophetic Word for Hanukkah 2021 link
- Happy Hanukkah 2021/In Jerusalem link
- HANUKKAH 5782 (2021) - The Holiday That Can Bring The Moshiach (Messiah) - Chanukah link