Columbus Day 2020

Get all the latest news, live updates & top stories on Columbus Day 2020
Today is Columbus Day, a federal US holiday that commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas in 1492. Now, before you rush out of your self-quarantine to go get some holiday shopping done, please do take note that not all businesses will be open today; this is especially relevant in our ongoing fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Be sure to call your favorite venues first before heading out, and for your safety, also make sure to ask what health precautions they are taking during these troubling times. Have a safe Columbus Day, everyone!
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- Virtual parade for Columbus Day as Mother Cabrini statue unveiled link
- Columbus Day Fireworks 2020 pt.1 (The Fountains) link
- Happy Columbus Day 2020 link
- Columbus Day 2020 | Indigenous Peoples Day 2020 | Christopher Columbus | Indigenous peoples 2020 link
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