The Scandal of The Falwells

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Jerry Falwell Jr., one of the country's most prominent evangelicals and embattled leader of one of its largest Christian schools, spoke out this weekend in a statement to deny that he and his wife, Becki Falwell, had together been sexually involved with a pool attendant they befriended in Miami. The pool attendant, Giancarlo Granda, tells a different story; and Granda has claimed that he has the text messages, phone calls and photos to back up his case. Speaking with Reuters, Granda detailed how he "developed an intimate relationship" with Mrs. Falwell, stretching from 2012 to 2018, with Jerry as an audience. "Jerry enjoyed watching from the corner of the room,” Granda said.
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- Former Liberty University students alleges sexual encounter with Becki Falwell link
- Becki Falwell had a relationship with Liberty University student. link
- Former pool attendant details alleged relationship with Becki and Jerry Falwell Jr. l GMA link
- ‘Jerry Falwell Is a Predator:’ His Wife’s Lover link
- Josh McDowell: Jerry Falwell Jr./Becki Falwell News Made Me Cry + How Christians Should Respond link
- Becki Falwell confirms pool boy affair denies Jerry watched link
- Jerry Fallwell Jr.’s Wife: ‘Couldn’t Take Torture Any More’ link
- Former cabana boy speaks about sexual relationship with Jerry Falwell Jr and wife Becki link