
Week of 6/07: FREECABLE TV’s Top 10 Stories

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Week of 6/07: FREECABLE TV’s Top 10 Stories

New York Police Take a Knee Too

Some New York Police Officers were asked to take a knee by protesters before they read out the names of African Americans who have died during encounters with police. The officers who complied with the protesters' request prompted cheers across the crowd. Surely, there is no better way to create a sense of solidarity among the two currently opposing sides.

New York Police Take a Knee Too

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4SKPLBV1ks

A New Way to Use a Crane: Vandalism

During daylight hours, some looters decided it was a good idea to use a crane in an attempt to smash into the front of a Best Buy in California. The video showed a large group of people gathered and spectating as someone drove the crane into the front of the store. Shortly after, a siren can be heard in the background and the group of people immediately started to disperse.

A New Way to Use a Crane: Vandalism

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp07fpA0JUQ

GOP Moving Out of North Carolina Confirmed?

"Would have showcased beautiful North Carolina to the World, and brought in hundreds of millions of dollars, and jobs, for the State," Pres. Donald Trump tweeted. "Because of" Gov. Roy Cooper, he added, "we are now forced to seek another State to host the 2020 Republican National Convention." As reported by Politico, the tweet came hours after Cooper rejected the GOP’s plans for a full-fledged convention in Charlotte, telling Republican officials the only way the event would move forward is with proper health protocols in place.

GOP Moving Out of North Carolina Confirmed?

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZBtzVX9ZNU

Police Shutdown Protest Medic Stations

Police officers in North Carolina were caught, on Asheville Citizen Times' video, stomping on water bottles and destroyed medical supplies at a medic station set up to aid demonstrators protesting the death of George Floyd. “A few minutes after 8 o’clock, we saw a SWAT team coming at us,” Sean Miller, a UNC Asheville student who is head of communications for the medical team, said. “They immediately, when they approached, they said, ‘We’re Asheville Police Department and you guys need to leave.’ They grabbed us by the shoulders and pushed out out of the alleyway where we were trying to provide medical support.”

Police Shutdown Protest Medic Stations

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brchn-WFtOc

Elderly Man Shoved to the Ground

Riot cops in western New York was caught on video shoving a 75 years old man to the ground, where he laid bleeding and unconscious on the pavement. The elderly man stumbled back, fell to the ground, and appeared to be knocked out as shouts of "he's bleeding out of his ears" can be heard and bystanders urged someone to call an ambulance. WBFO reported that the man is now in a stable condition at ECMC in Buffalo after the brutal interaction with the cops.

Elderly Man Shoved to the Ground

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7NcqgIZZlM

Texas Chainsaw Protest

Daniel Peña, age 44, was caught on video brandishing a chainsaw at a Black Lives Matter protesters downtown McAllen, Texas. In the video, Peña could also be seen yelling racial slurs and telling protesters to go home while revving said chainsaw. Peña was charged with four counts of deadly conduct and one count of assault, class A misdemeanors.

Texas Chainsaw Protest

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gArQTxsSEug

Anonymous Warns the Police

"Brutal killing of George Floyd is merely the tip of the iceberg." The "Anonymous" hacktivist group comes out from the shadows to address the Minneapolis Police Department in the wake of George Floyd’s death. "We are Legion, expect us"

Anonymous Warns the Police

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4AGYpNh0Bo&bpctr=1591489875


"The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization," said President Donald Trump via Twitter, adding, "The Lamestream Media is doing everything within their power to foment hatred and anarchy. As long as everybody understands what they're doing, that they're fake news and truly bad people with a sick agenda, we can easily work through them to Greatness!"


Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po_VNCXdb8c

Pres. Trump's Church Visit

After severe backlash from multiple communities, President Donald Trump has been adamantly defending his stroll to a historic church where he held aloft a Bible just minutes after law enforcement had violently cleared the path of peaceful protesters. "Most religious leaders loved it," Trump said. "Why wouldn't they love it? I'm standing in front of a church that went through trauma."

Pres. Trump's Church Visit

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khjA8GegbEc&t

Trump: "A Great Day" For George Floyd

Pres. Donald Trump has claimed it is a ‘great day’ for George Floyd, after the US posted better than expected job employment numbers. "Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying: “This is a great thing happening for our country,"" Trump said of Floyd, who is irrefutably the center of the ongoing civil unrest occurring across the country.

Trump: "A Great Day" For George Floyd

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnk0hCgmamQ

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